Continental Sound was during its history the breeding ground for many innovations, idea’s, projects and ministries. Some projects happened only one time, like the ‘gospelrocknight’. Ongoing projects became independent. Here the links to all these activities. They all have still the full support of Continental Sound
This whole west-european ministry of the Continentals, Youndg Continentals and Continental Kids in now under leadership of Rob de Jong. In the hands of Leen La Rivière is the European Leadership of all Continental organizations, theme development and such. On this website you find how to join (doing auditions), how to invite them (to do a great concert in your church/area) and all further information.
This is the annual seminar with 80 great workshops in the fields: music (vocal & instruments), visual arts, performing arts, media, etc. It is too a wonderful ‘fresh up’ after being active for while in art/culture, but as well great learning for students (the teachers are professionals being at the top). Participation is possible from the age of 15 (if you are highly motivated and understands English).
This website is about the arts and the members of the CNV Kunst & Cultuur sectors: music, visual arts, performing arts, writing, ntr, choirs/bands. But as well articles for discussion. Via the website contact with these members is possible.
This is the website of all musicians/singers/directors with a conservatory diploma in the Netherlands. It includes a search system when you look for somebody (privat teacher, singer, soloist, director, instrumentalist, etc).
Local project in Rotterdam-Eastside. It teaches children from the age of 8 to become performers, so learning singing, dancing, stagepresentation, soundtechniques, performing, etc, learning is in a group during the semester September-June, 2 hours a week. Privatlessons are possible. The SOR is already for 9 years a tremendous success. Each year in January and June concerts.
The Christian social website of Rotterdam, gives the Christian social filosophy, listings of the activities, listing of all the churches, migrantchurches of Rotterdam, links to their activities.
Listing of social institutions of the townhall.
This answers all questions about copyrights, performingrights, mechjanical rights, visual rights, performing rights, neighbouring rights, registration, protection, Buma, Stemra, Sena, CCLI in the Netherlands. Soecial build for Christians, churches, ministries. And if you have a question left after reading, you can ask.
Here is the solution for copying songs, projection of songs for meetings, churches etc. For the Netherlands implemented in 1989 by Leen La Rivière.
The personal website of Leen and Ria La Rivière, CV’s, publications, etc.
The website of Ria La Rivière and her activities in her shop in fashion and art at the Pijnackerplein, Rotterdam-Noord.
The cultural centre, where Continental Sound and other activities are housed. Besides offices it has a theatre, studio, foyer, bar. These are for rent (but not for weddings or familyparties). Meetings, events, expositions, concerts, films, recordings are welcome.
On this website you find all about the European ministry of the Continentals from 1963 till present. History, pictures, films, messages, links to the Continental Singers organisations around Europe and much more.
Here you find christian organisations in europe and elsewhere active in the arts and culture. If you live in such nation, please join one of those groups.